So It Was... (go back »)

June 25 2007, 7:41 PM

..very akward at first.  I mean I havn't been to the darn place for over 2 years.  Being there was a bit overwhelming after wanting to always go every year.  You see, the festival we (Laos Ppos) celebrate, happens once a year.  And its called "Boon Pa Vade".  Which I truly do not know how to translate the meaning.  But its a celebration where intrument players and dancers parade around the temple.  It's really fun to watch and/or participate in.  At the festival there's; food, games, gifts to buy, a sports tournament to watch, and loads of friends to meet, and new faces to get to know.  Sadly enough my day ended with a wishful glance knowing it'll be a long time till the next time I come back.  My story of what I did for half the weekend!!


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