Comment history with synapse


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 comments

Oh kool(: i kinda need to know how to get a background for my CB profile, lmfao. help me?? (:

Posted by xBUTTMUNCHx on Jun 11, 07 1:56 pm

cool. cool. you can PM me anytime you need help with ANYTHING. =)

Posted by synapse on Jun 11, 07 12:25 am

lol, yeah im starting to get use to the new features of Cb..and making new friends...you can hit me up on aim anytime(:

Posted by xBUTTMUNCHx on Jun 10, 07 10:39 pm

Thanks for the add. I dont know you very well, you should talk to me on aim, I would love to talk to you.

Posted by synapse on Jun 10, 07 12:08 am
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  • Female
  • 20 years old